Student Internship
Agia Skepi offers supervised internships to graduate psychologists enrolled in programs leading to registration as a professional psychologist in the specialties of clinical and counseling psychology. The Internship includes a commitment of 6 months with a minimum employment of 20 hours per week.There are four cycles per year (see table below for details) and there are four placement structures within the organization.
Healing community
Counseling station
Reintegration unit
Family support unit
Although applicants may express an interest in a particular placement structure, the decision to place is at the sole discretion of Agia Skepi, taking into account the needs of the organization and the successful applicant's compatibility with a particular structure. An intern will complete his/her 6-month commitment in a single placement structure.
The application includes the following:
Cover letter of expression of interest (maximum 500 words)
Curriculum vitae
Full description of previous/current practical experience (including hours, if any)
Two letters of recommendation (preferably one from a previous internship supervisor)
All relevant application documents should be combined into a single PDF file (including letters of recommendation) in the order listed above. No exceptions will be accepted in this regard.